With our personalized courses for adults you learn up to 400% faster ⚡ than traditional courses with a pedagogical model focused on communication. These courses adapt completely to your schedule and learning pace, you have an individualized learning experience, flexible in schedules and effective. They are ideal for those who prefer a focused approach on their specific goals and areas of improvement. Our Couples courses are ideal for couples who are planning to emigrate to Canada or another French- or English-speaking country and wish to acquire solid language skills in English or French in a short time. Additionally, you save a little compared to the individual. Small Group Courses of up to 6 people are an economical alternative if you prefer to learn in a dynamic and participatory environment.


Our fundamental purpose of OnParle is to empower our students, providing them with the language skills necessary to open new life opportunities and adapt to diverse cultural environments.


En OnParle Ⓡ we have as a vision to be the global leader in online language education, transforming lives by offering personalized, innovative and accessible learning experiences that empower individuals and families to achieve their dreams and thrive in a globalized world.


Our mission is to provide exceptional language education, combining cutting-edge technology and advanced pedagogical methods to facilitate fast and effective learning. We are dedicated to supporting each student in their language learning journey, offering a flexible, empathetic and personalized learning environment that prepares them for global opportunities and helps them successfully adapt to new cultural environments.

Contact Details

  • General Director/ Carolina Mariño
    WhatsApp: +57 310 242 76 46
    Email: onparle.net@gmail.com
  • Administrative assistance / Martha Rodríguez
    WhatsApp: + 57 323 439 56 59
    admononparle@ Gmail.com
  • Pedagogical Coordinator / Alejandro Tapasco
    WhatsApp: +57 314 597 88 44
    coordinationonparle@ Gmail.com
  • Address: AV Alberto Mendoza 89 64 C 26, Manizales, Caldas, Colombia
  • Onparle SAS NIT: 901057632-9


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